AVA Drive

How to install the AVA Drive widget on your website

Step 1: Install global <script> tag

Copy this setup script, and paste it into the HTML of your site.

This is commonly inside of the <head> element.

<script src="https://assets.askava.ai/v2/api.js?widgetId=<YOUR_WIDGET_ID>&features=modal,customCta" async defer></script>

** If you already have this installed on the page, you can skip this step

Step 2: VDP Vehicle Data Setup

In order to properly link Test Drive appointments with vehicles, the following script needs to be added.

This is commonly inside of the <body> element.

** The "asset" fields need to be updated to match the vehicle on the VDP page

The data provided below is only for use as an example:


    window.askAva = window.askAva || {
        datalayer: [],

    askAva.datalayer.push("company", {
        widget: "<YOUR_WIDGET_ID>"

    askAva.datalayer.push("asset", {
        engine: "<ENGINE>",
        exteriorColor: "<EXTERIOR_COLOR>",
        interiorColor: "<INTERIOR_COLOR>",
        make: "<MAKE>",
        model: "<MODEL>",
        status: "<STATUS>",
        stockNumber: "<STOCK_NUMBER>",
        transmission: "<TRANSMISSION>",
        trim: "<TRIM>",
        vin: "<VIN>",
        year: "<YEAR>",
        mileage: "<MILEAGE>",
        condition: "<CONDITION>",
        listingMsrp: "<LISTING_MSRP>",
        listingPrice: "<LISTING_PRICE>",
        listingImageUrl: "<LISTING_IMAGE_URL>",
        listingUrl: "<LISTING_URL>",
        listingTitle: "<LISTING_TITLE>",


Step 3: Install CTAs

Select a CTA type:


Add this element where you want the CTA to appear on the page.
<div class="AskAva-cta" data-product="driveTool" data-type="banner"></div>
